1. AskCody Help Center
  2. Implementing AskCody
  3. 4. Integrate with Microsoft Exchange

Adding Microsoft Exchange Calendars to the AskCody Portal

This article explains how to add Exchange calendars to the AskCody Portal.

You have made the integration to Exchange, now we need to add the Exchange calendars to the AskCody Portal.

For the AskCody Platform to work and for you to be able to access all the Modules and features of the Platform it is necessary to add the Exchange calendars to the AskCody Portal.

The Exchange calendars referred to in this article should include all the bookable resources/calendars you wish the AskCody Platform to use (Meeting rooms, desks, offices, equipment, cars, etc. ) 

How to add a calendar in the AskCody Portal

  1. Log in to the AskCody Portal at http://app.goaskcody.com, and choose US or EU. 
  2. Click on the Admin Center at the left panel
  3. In here, click Integrations and choose MS Exchange Calendars.

    A screenshot of the page to Manage Microsoft Exchange Calendars in the AskCody Management Portal 
  4. Click Add and fill in the right information about the Exchange Calendar.
    The form will present two features we have not yet explained, Buffer-time and Insights. Read more about these features under the picture. 

    A screenshot of the page to add a new Microsoft Exchange Calendar in the AskCody Management Portal
  5. Click Integrate when finishing filling out the form. The information will be validated, and the Exchange calendar is now integrated with the AskCody Platform.

Status: represents if the meeting room is active or inactive. We recommend keeping your meeting room active.

Name: is the name of the meeting room. This is the name that will be used across all AskCody modules and features of this specific room. If you use technical names for your meeting rooms or have a special naming convention, we recommend using these as internal names and only use the name of the room that people are used to calling it in your organization.

Location: is the location where the room is located. This is inherited from the Locations you created in an earlier step.

Microsoft Exchange Integration: is the integration established to your Microsoft Exchange Server or Microsoft Online Tennant. If you have multiple Exchange tenants connected to AskCody, select the tenant where the calendar is created.

Mailbox: is the email address of the Exchange calendar, e.g. meetingroom1@your-domain.com.

Buffer time: This is an advanced feature for adding buffer time/grace period between meetings. We recommend to read this article before enabling this feature, since this impacts the bookings of the meeting room. 

Type: What type of Exchange calendar are you about to add and integrate to AskCody. You have the options Room, Person, Equipment, and Desk. A resource calendar can also be a desk, a person, or specific bookable equipment.

Workplace Insights: is our analytics tool, that collects data about how your meeting rooms are used and utilized, read more here.


We recommend always enabling Workplace Insights on your rooms, even though you are not planning on using the data right away. Enabling Insights when adding the rooms will ensure that you have collected data points from day one if you, later on, choose to use Workplace Insights.
When finishing adding a meeting room, you can add as many as needed as long as all rooms are added as room mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange. If you need more information about how to add room mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange, click here


Next: Step 5. Prepare for User Management