On the AskCody Platform, each user is granted a set of roles and memberships. These roles and memberships determine what the user can view, access, control, and use when navigating the AskCody Platform.
This article covers:
- Introduction to User Roles and Memberships
- AskCody Owner
- User Administrator
- Integrations Administrator
- Insights Administrator
- Dashboards roles
- Services roles
- Add-in User roles
- Resources roles
- Displays roles
- Visitors roles
- Workplace Central roles
- Maps User
Introduction to User Roles and Memberships
AskCody provides a Meeting Management Platform with many touchpoints across departments in an organization, from Outlook users to the IT department, the front desk, services personnel, FM, PAs, Meeting Coordinators, etc. These departments all require different access to areas and levels of the AskCody Platform, which is controlled by roles and memberships and functions like a hierarchy.
In the AskCody role and membership hierarchy, there are 3 levels of access.
- The AskCody Owner role grants access to the whole AskCody platform. However, if the Owner role needs to "use" the Add-ins, Visitors, and Services, the Owner still needs an Add-in User role and membership for Visitors and Services. The role can set up and configure the Platform but not use it.
- The Administrator roles have access to all features in a specific area of the AskCody Platform (fx. Visitors). The administrators have access to the Admin Center for that specific area. Only Owners and Administrators have access to the Admin Center.
- Portal Users, Managers, and Add-in User roles have access to limited features belonging to a specific area of the AskCody Platform. The Portal Users, Managers, and Add-in Users don't have access to the Admin Center.
Memberships and Web Portal?
Visitors, Services, Workplace Central, and Insights have a "usable" Web Portal. Workplace Central and insights can be accessed and used with a specific Portal User role, but you need a membership to "use" Visitors and Services.
It is called a membership because it is possible to have multiple providers set up in Services and multiple receptions set up for Visitors. Each user doesn't need to have access to all providers or receptions. Therefore, you will have a membership to a specific provider or reception.
For example, your company has two locations with one reception each, Reception 1 and Reception 2. You only want the receptionists belonging to Reception 1 to have access to Reception 1's data. Therefore you give the receptionists belonging to Reception 1, membership to Reception 1.
It is possible to have memberships to more than one reception or provider.
Memberships are provided under each reception or provider in the AskCody Portal.
In the following, you will find an illustration of all the AskCody Platform user roles and the areas to which the roles gain access.
To get the illustration in a larger view, please click here.
To get the illustration in a larger view, please click here.
Role descriptions
AskCody Owner
This role grants access to the whole AskCody Platform. The role can set up and configure the Platform in both the web portals and Admin Center, but it needs User roles and Memberships to use it.
If the Owner role needs to "use" the Add-ins in Outlook and the web portal for Visitors and Services, the Owner needs an Add-in User role and membership for Visitors and Services.
This also applies to the Central Full Access Rescheduler roles for Workplace Central.
Use: This role is, by default, granted to the person who signs up to the AskCody Platform and creates the first initial settings on your organizational account. As this role grants access to the entire AskCody Platform, it should only be given to employees who need full access.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_OWNER
User Administrator
Grants access to accounts and role grants in the AskCody Platform.
Use: This role will allow users to access other users' accounts and grant roles in the AskCody Platform. The grantable roles are determined by what AskCody modules are a part of your subscription (if you want access to more roles or seem to be missing any, please contact support@askcody.com)
It is highly recommended that this role is only granted to the user responsible for your AskCody modules and the user in contact with AskCody.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_AUTH_ADMIN
Integrations Administrator
Grants access to all Integration functionalities.
Use: This role grants the ability to establish Integrations between AskCody and Exchange. Integrate specific calendars to AskCody. Create a synchronization via Entra ID or Active Directory Server Integration (ADSI).
It is highly recommended that this role is only granted to the user responsible for your Exchange and integrations.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_CONNECT_ADMIN
Insights Administrator
Grants access to all functionalities in the Insights Module.
Use: This role grants access to the Insights Web Portal.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_INSIGHTS_ADMIN
Dashboards Administrator
Grants access to all Dashboard functionalities in the AskCody Portal.
Use: This role is needed in order to create, edit, and preview Dashboards and Dashboards templates.
Dashboards Manager
Grants access to a limited amount of functionalities in the Dashboards Module.
Use: This role is needed to create, edit, and preview ActivityViews.
Services Administrator
Grants access to all functionalities and settings in the Services Module.
Use: The user with this role can create, edit, and view requests. Create, edit, and view items. Create, edit, and view categories. Rooms, terms, cost centers, and cost center groups, finance.
It is highly recommended that this role is only granted to the user responsible for your Services Module.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_MEETING_ADMIN
Services Portal User
Grants access to create, edit, and view requests, item lists, and rooms in the Services Web Portal.
Use: This role is meant for staff members of a Service Provider.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_MEETING_PROVIDER
Grants access to the Finance menu in the Services Portal, which consists of cost centers and reports.
Use: This role is meant for the person(s) financially responsible for requests in Services. Users with this role can only create, edit, and view cost centers, cost center groups, and reports.
Add-in User
Grants access to the AskCody Add-ins in Outlook.
Use: This role is for every employee who should use the AskCody Services add-in for MS.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_MEETING_USER
Add-in User with Delegated Access
Grants access to the AskCody Add-ins for Outlook on behalf of other users.
Use: This role should be granted, together with the Add-in User role, for users who make bookings, request services, or add visitors to reception on behalf of others.
Please remember that the delegated access should also be granted in Outlook if this has not already been done.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_MEETING_DELEGATE
Add-in User Search Specific Room
Grants access to the specific room search function when using the Bookings Add-in in Outlook.
Use: This role should be granted with the Add-in User role for users who need the "search specific rooms" function in the Bookings Add-in.
Resources Administrator
Grants access to all Resource functionalities in the AskCody Portal.
Use: The user with this role will be able to edit and view the purposes and capabilities of all resources in the AskCody Portal, under Resources.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_ROOMFINDER_ADMIN
Resources Manager
Grants access to limited Resource functionality.
Use: The user with this role will be able to assign capacities, purposes, capabilities, and info links to the resources in the Resource Module in the AskCody Portal.
Displays Administrator
Grants access to all functionalities in the Displays Module.
Use: This role is needed to create, edit, and preview Displays and create Displays templates.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_TODAY_ADMIN
Displays Manager
Grants access to limited functionalities in the Displays Module.
Use: This role is needed to create, edit, and preview Displays. To create Displays templates, you must have the AskCody Owner or Displays Administrator role.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_TODAY_MANAGER
Visitors Administrator
Grants access to all functionalities in the Visitors Modules in the Web Portal and Admin Center.
Use: The user with this role will be able to create, edit, and view check-ins, visitors, and hosts in the Visitors Web Portal. The Visitors Administrator will also be able to customize properties for the Check-in Kiosks, host/visitor email, and SMS.
ADSI synchronization tag: ROLE_WELCOME_ADMIN
Visitors Portal Users
Grants access to contacts and visitors in the Visitor Web Portal.
Use: The user with this role will be able to create, edit, and view check-ins and Visitors. This user is typically a receptionist at the reception or front desk.
Central Portal Users
Grants access to Workplace Central and most of the functionalities.
Use: The user with this role will be able to view the meetings happening in all meeting rooms, the time range, the meeting rooms, capacity, and attendees for meetings on any given date. The user is also able to open a meeting card and edit any catering and additional services requested for that meeting.
Central Full Access Rescheduler
Grants access to reschedule all meetings unrestricted and overrules permissions set in Outlook and Exchange.
Use: This user can drag and drop meetings from one room to another and to a different timeslot in Workplace Central, unrestricted and without any permission. This role is not only restricted to moving around your own meetings but everyone else's meetings - with a few exceptions, read below.
This is the ultimate role specially designed for meeting coordinators, meeting services administrators, and other centralized employees with access to other people's calendars.
*The user with this role still requires the Central Portal User to be able to access Workplace Central.
Scenarios to note when using the Central Full Access Rescheduler role:
- Private Meetings can't be moved in Workplace Central.
- Catering and additional requests will be dropped if a meeting is moved to a room that the Service Provider doesn't deliver to.
- All Service Provider deadlines and specific item deadlines can be overruled when moving meetings in Workplace Central.
- If a complex meeting with multiple rooms or locations is moved in Workplace Central, catering and additional requests ordered in the Services Add-in can be dropped.
You can read more about the Central Full Access Rescheduler role and the benefits in this blog post, or you can learn more about the requirements and permissions for this role.
ADSI synchronization tag: Not available for ADSI
Maps User
Grants access to use Maps in the AskCody Portal.
Use: The user with this role will be able to view the office maps, free and busy rooms, and desks. Depending on the access rights provided in the creation stage, you might have access to book resources directly from the map. Read more about the creation process of Maps, the requirements, and permissions for this role, here.
ADSI synchronization tag: Not available for ADSI
If you can't find some of these roles in your Platform or if there are missing descriptions on roles, please get in touch with support@askcody.com