Prepare for User Management

This article takes you through the different user roles the AskCody Platform provides and the hierarchy of roles and memberships

Throughout the years of implementing the AskCody Platform in both small and large corporate organizations, we have experienced the best results and the most efficient implementation process when the foundation of the user management was implemented early in the process. Not because the employees (users) are involved at this early stage but because it will ease the implementation later on in the process.

Integrations like what we just did with Exchange and what we are going to do next with the Active Directory (AD) integration for user synchronization (or manually user management) typically require extra IT resources and special accesses and expertise in Exchange and AD. By combining these integrations in the early stage of an implementation process will secure a faster and easier implementation.  

Before moving on to talk about the possibilities of user management in the AskCody Portal it is important to learn a little about how AskCody handles user roles, access, and memberships. 

User roles, access, and memberships in the AskCody Platform

On the AskCody Platform, each user is granted a set of roles. These roles determine what the user is able to view, access, and control when logged in to the Portal or Add-ins.

Parts of the AskCody Platform require different layers of access control, like the Add-ins for Outlook, Services Web Portal, Admin Center, etc. AskCody handles different layers of access control through assigned roles and memberships in a hierarchy structure, as seen in the hierarchy model below.

(Click on the model to open it in a larger view)

The model shows the different layers in the AskCody Platform and wherein the Platform the roles grant access to. All the roles are represented with a light grey box, with the name of the role, the area the role belongs to, the features the role grants access to, and if the role is marked with orange means the area has a Web Portal connected. The Web Portal can be accessed in the AskCody Portal. The blue outline square represents the whole Platform. The dark grey square line represents the AskCody Portal where most of the roles apply. Inside the Portal is the Admin Center placed which is represented as the full-colored blue square. The roles placed in the Admin Center square have access to features in the Admin Center. The light grey square line represents the roles that grant access to the Add-ins and special features in the Add-ins.

The hierarchy structure

  • The AskCody Owner role grants access to every part of the AskCody Portal and have no limits. (The owner role still needs membership to use the Web Portals belonging to the areas Services and Visitors, and the Add-in user roles to be able to use the Add-ins in Outlook).
  • The Administrator (Adm.) roles have access to all features that belong to the specific Module. Some of these features are placed in the Admin Center in the Portal. Only Owners and Administrators have access to the Admin Center.
  • Portal User roles and Managers have access to limited features that belong to a specific area. The Portal User and Managers do not have access to the Admin Center. 
  • Memberships are provided to users that need access to the Web Portals that will be created for Visitors and Services. Memberships are provided under each reception or provider in the AskCody Portal. 

If you need to know more about all the roles, Memberships, and Web Portals, find it in this article.

The hierarchy structure and the roles are helpful when setting up user management both when you set up user management manually in the AskCody Portal or setting up an integration to your AD. Read more about this in the next article. 

Next Step: Setting up User Management