How to deploy the Services/Bookings/Visitors add-ins using PowerShell

Learn how to deploy the AskCody add-ins for Outlook using PowerShell

By using PowerShell, you can deploy AskCody Services/Bookings/Visitors add-ins as an organization app and make it available to a particular set of users in the organization.

The preferred method for deploying Add-ins is via the Microsoft 365 admin center, when on an Exchange Online environment. Please refer to this article for Deploying AskCody add-ins to end-users using this method.

The Exchange server must be able to reach the target URL.
This example deploys the AskCody Services/Bookings/Visitors app from a URL and enables it by default:

New-App -OrganizationApp -ManifestURL -ProvidedTo SpecificUsers -UserList "user1", "user2", "user3" -DefaultStateForUser Enabled 


For more information about any of the commands listed on the line above, please refer to the following Microsoft article about the New-App command: Read the article here

Once the add-in has been installed, further modifications must instead be done using the Set-App cmdlet as follows:

Set-App -OrganizationApp -Identity Insert-Manifest-Identifier-Here -ProvidedTo SpecificUsers -UserList "user1", "user2", "user3" -DefaultStateForUser Enabled 



The Manifest Identifier referred to in the code line above, can be found at the end of the manifest URL of the AskCody add-ins.

In either case, the specified users can activate the new add-ins when viewing appointments or meetings.

Alternatively, if the add-in is deployed using "-DefaultStateForUser Disabled", the specified employees can enable add-in from Outlook Web App Options. Finally, "-DefaultStateForUser AlwaysEnabled" permanently enables the add-in for the specified employees. 

If a deployed add-in isn't enabled, employees can enable the add-in from Outlook Web App Options. Similarly, if an add-in is deployed, an administrator can enable the add-in from the Exchange Administration Center or by using the Enable-App or Set-App cmdlet.

Learn more

Go to to read more about installing or removing add-ins for Outlook for your organization.