Allowlisting AskCody Services - how to set it up?

To fully ensure that the AskCody services is running and can be accessed, here is the relevant information for domain allowlisting if this is a required security measure.

This article will always reflect the current domains, regional domains and subdomains needed for allowlisting. 

March 26th, 2021

From July 1st, 2021, AskCody will no longer support IP allowlisting for AskCody Services. AskCody runs on Azure Cloud infrastructure and to deliver the best possible service and fully utilize the benefits of Azure.

Domain allowlisting is already widely used and secure in combination with a trusted TLS 1.2 Certificate or newer, issued by a trusted provider (Azure). AskCody supports only TLS 1.2+ for encryption of data in transit.

If  allowlisting of IP’s for and has already been set up, we recommend switching to Domain allowlisting before July 1st 2021 to ensure availability of service. 

To find the IP's for EU, press here:

To find the IP's for US, press here: 

Important information for Exchange Server Integration

It is important to note that if using on-prem Exchange Server, it is still possible to use IP allowlistning for traffic coming from AskCody that needs to access the server (i.e Exchange integration, AskCody Calendar notification services).

Our IP Address for traffic from Askcody to on-prem Exchange Servers will remain unchanged, and existing allow listing of those IP Addresses will continue to work after July 1st, 2021.


Follow and subcribe to AskCody Statuspage for more information 

Allowlisting AskCody region domains and subdomains (if required)


Global domains

  • *

Domains EU:

  • *

Domains US:

  • *

Subdomains EU:
