Learn how to show only specific rooms on desks to users in your organization to restrict bookings with Resource Groups
With Resource Groups, AskCody customers can implement their booking policies with flexibility and ease, making sure that users will only be able to see what they are allowed to book.
The resource groups feature leverages Entra ID groups, and allows Admins to make Entra ID security groups, members of a group of meeting rooms, or desks. Users within a specific Entra ID group become then members of certain resources, and will only see those resources in the AskCody Bookings Add-in. Therefore, if a user is allowed to book exclusively certain meeting rooms on a given location, then an Entra ID group with this user should be made member of a group of rooms or desks that contains the resources the user is allowed to book.
This feature gives then much more granular control to admins and prevents frustrations in organizations with strict booking policies.
How to use it
See this content in video here.
- Within Entra ID, create security groups according to the memberships you want to grant (examples: Marketing users, Copenhagen Floor 1 meeting organizers…)
- After having created the groups, navigate to the AskCody Web Portal, and in the Admin Center, locate the Resource Groups feature under the Resources section
- Click on “Add” and give your Resource Group a name and a description (optional). The naming convention should allow for easy administration on your organization’s side, so we recommend giving a name relevant to the context, such as Marketing Rooms, Floor 1 Rooms or VIP Rooms.
- Add the resources (desks and/or rooms) that you want to make the members of the resource group able to book.
- Add the groups from your organization’s Entra ID that you want to make members of these rooms. Only users that are members of these Entra ID groups will see these rooms/desks when available in the AskCody Bookings Add-in for Outlook and Teams. Users that are not members of any of these Entra ID groups, will not see these rooms/desks when searching for available rooms or desks on their location.
- Click on “Create” at the bottom to save changes
After making Entra ID groups members of a Resource Group, users will only be able to see the rooms and desks your organization allows them to book.
Note: If a room or desk is not put under a Resource Group, they will be visible to all users in the organization, when searching for available rooms or desks in that given location.