How to use the AskCody Mobile App

This article describes the core functionality of the AskCody Mobile App to get the full experience of using a smartphone to manage and schedule meetings.

The app gives you a complete and simple overview of your whole workday and notifies if you have pending meeting invitations as well as informing you if no rooms have been added to your meeting - ensuring that you and your co-workers always have a place to meet and collaborate.
Learn more about what the AskCody Mobile App can do for you, here.

Want to learn how to install the App or the requirements of using the app, read the article: How to install the AskCody Mobile App.

Sign in to the AskCody Mobile App

To sign in to the AskCody Mobile App, you need to use your own Microsoft Office 365 credentials. When you open the app, enter your Office 365 email address and tap "next". Hereafter, you will get redirected to enter your Office 365 password and enter a two-factor 6-digit code if you have enabled two-factor authentication. 

Book a meeting with the AskCody Mobile App

To book a meeting from your smartphone, open your app and press “Book Meeting”. Here you will be presented with a couple of input fields similar to what you will find in your Outlook client. Enter a meaningful title and choose a time interval for your meeting. When you have done this, you can add the contacts you would like to attend your meeting. Tap the button “Invite” and you will see a list of contacts you most recently interacted with – invite them by simply tapping their name or icon. If you can’t find the contact you are looking for in your recent list, you can search for specific contacts using the search bar at the top of the screen. From here you can also invite any external contact by simply entering their email address, press on the plus sign that appears, and finish by tapping the back-arrow. You should now have a list of contacts that will receive the meeting invitation.

To add a room for your meeting, tap the button “Add room”. The first time you press this, you will have to add some search criteria, similar to your Workplace add-in. To do this, tap the funnel in the upper right corner. Here you can alter the need for capacity, select a location, equipment, and what purpose you would like for your meeting. Tapping the back-arrow in the upper left corner will lead you back to the previous screen and if a room matches your search criteria, a list of recommended rooms will appear. The next time you want to find a room, the last location you selected within the funnel will be remembered and by default pre-selected, so you are able to find a room more quickly. Tap the room you like, and afterward, you send the invitation by tapping the paper plane in the upper right corner. Your meeting will appear in your calendar on the main screen within a few seconds.

Edit or delete a meeting

If you have any changes for your existing meeting, or you need to delete it, you can do so through the main screen of your daily meetings. To edit a meeting, tap the meeting of interest. In the upper right, you will see a notepad with a pen, and if you press this you will be redirected to the meeting setup, where you can change the title, time, room, or attendees. Apply the changes by tapping the paper plane in the upper right corner.

To delete a meeting, tap the meeting of interest from your daily meeting overview on the main screen. In the upper right corner left to the edit button, you can delete the meeting by tapping the trash icon.

Book a hot desk with the AskCody Mobile App

Booking a hot desk is similar to booking a meeting room, except you won’t be able to invite attendees. Also, booking a hot desk still makes you appear free in your calendar.

To book a hot desk, tap “Book hot desk” in the bottom left corner at the main screen where you also have your daily meeting overview.  Choose a title (by default called Hot desk), a time interval and tap the button “Add hot desk”. The first time you book a hot desk, you will have to enter some search criteria you would like for your hot desk. Tap the icon of a funnel in the top right corner. From here you fill out Location, Equipment, and Purpose for the hot desk. You should at least choose a location to be able to see and book any hot desks. You can now tap the back-arrow, choose the hot desk you like, and send the request by tapping the paper plane in the top right corner. The hot desk appears in your daily meeting overview within a few seconds.

End or extend a meeting

The AskCody Mobile App has the unique functionality to easily end or extend a meeting directly from your smartphone. To do this, tap on your current ongoing meeting, and a bar will automatically slide up from the bottom of the screen. From the bar you can choose to end the meeting if you finished your planned activities before time, freeing up the resources for your colleagues to use.

You can also choose to extend the room by tapping “Extend”. Here you will be presented with four options. The option at the bottom will be the maximum amount of time you can extend the meeting before going back-to-back with another planned meeting in that room. However, the maximum amount of time you can extend a meeting is set to be two hours.

Receive meeting invitations

Whenever you get invited to a meeting, the invitation will be visible two places in the app. You can find the pending meeting invitation on your daily meeting overview if the meeting you are invited to is held on the specific day you are looking at. It will be shown as a normal meeting but will have a visible red dot on the right side of the meeting.

The other way to find and respond to a pending meeting invitation(s) is through the bell icon in the upper right corner on the main screen where you also have your daily meeting overview. When you tap the bell icon, a collection of all your pending meeting invitations will appear in a list.
When you tap a pending meeting invitation you will get a detailed view of that specific meeting, and a bar with three options appears at the bottom of the screen. Here you can choose between accept, tentative, or decline.

Overview of your daily schedule

On the main screen in the AskCody Mobile App, you have your daily meeting overview. Every meeting is shown with the meeting time and duration, the subject of the meeting and where the meeting is taking place, with the possibility to tap each meeting for more information about who the organizer is and which people will attend.

If you have booked a Hot Desk, this will be indicated with an icon of a blue flame, and if you are the organizer to a meeting where you have forgotten to add a room, a red dot will appear on the right side of the meeting subject.

You can always switch between days in the past or future, by tapping the arrows next to the date in the top or tap the date directly to more easily pick a specific date of interest.


In the AskCody Mobile App, you will get notifications through the bell icon in the top right corner. There are two types of notifications: 

  • The app will inform you whenever you have a pending meeting invitation you haven’t responded to. 
  • The app will inform you if you have not assigned a room to a meeting you are organizing, to ensure you have a room for your meeting. 

Whenever there is a new notification, a red dot will appear with the bell icon. Tapping the bell icon will give you a complete list of meetings you haven’t responded to, and meetings you organize that lack a place to meet.

Meetings you organize that have no room attached will also appear on your daily meeting overview with a red dot to the right side of your meeting subject.

Change Exchange account

To log out or change the account, tap the icon of the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner. Here you will see the option to change the account.