
Description of the error code "ErrorForbidden"

Domain: Exchange

Code: ErrorForbidden

Type: Configuration error (You are often able to resolve this type of error.)

Description: Access denied. We received an HTTP 403 Forbidden response from Exchange.

When accessing the Servies and Visitors Add-ins, users may see the ErrorForbidden error message. This will be seen when the Exchange Integration does not have sufficient access to the relevant meeting details

Possible cause: The connecting Exchange user might not have access to the requested resource. This error can often occur when an Application Access Policy is configured in Exchange, to scope the level of access AskCody has to your organization's Exchange Environment.

Possible solution: Ensure that the connecting Exchange user has access to the requested resource, i.e. in case of Scoping / Application Access Policies. This includes ensuring that AskCody still has full mailbox access to relevant user's