Learn about the different layouts available in the AskCody Dashboards
Each layout displays a set of information in a slightly different manner, just as individual views fit some scenarios better than the others. Be aware that some information can be set up to be hidden by the Dashboard Template, thus make sure to choose the right template to fit your needs.
In each template, a number of calendars need to be selected to be shown on the Dashboard. In the following layout examples, two layouts only show calendars with activities, and the other two display each calendar with their respective events throughout the day.
The compact and extended list layouts display only the calendars with events throughout the day. This means that even though the chosen template for your Dashboard is connected to five calendars, it might only show one calendar that day, or until another calendar is occupied with an event. The purpose of these layouts is to display current events within the building or department. This way the focus stays on the events, the agenda for the day, and not the calendars specifically.
The availability list and tile layouts, on the other hand, focus on displaying the events of specific calendars. This means that all chosen calendars will be displayed on the Dashboard. The purpose of these layouts is to show availability and the agenda for the day of the calendar.
Compact layout
This layout primarily puts the focus on the events throughout the day in a chronological order. As this layout displays the time, subject, location, and organizer of the event, this layout is suitable to use when there are many events in the building. External visitors showing up to an event in your building would benefit from this overview to be directed to the place they need to go.
Extended layout

This layout is a variation of the compact layout. The extended layout possesses the same content of the information as the compact layout, however, in a less condensed manner. For optimal usage, his layout is suitable for less than 6 events per day, or less than 12 events if the rotation fix is enabled.
Availability tile layout

This layout is mostly used for internal use among employees. In this layout individual calendar is represented on a singlve tile. On one Dashboard there can be up to 8 tiles (7 if you choose to show time and date). This layout can be used both for room and people's calendars.
To represent the availability and occupation of the calendar, the tiles change color to bright red, and go back to the available state of white tiles, when the event is over.
When the viewer's focus is on the meeting room calendars, this layout quickly gives an overview of:
- Rooms that are occupied at that particular moment
- Rooms that are available
- The name of the event in the room
- A time when the occupied rooms will be released
- The following events in the room
- The event organizer
This focus is useful when someone needs a room for a spontaneous meeting. The person can quickly scan the view to detect available rooms. In addition to that, at the bottom of the tile, the closest following event in the room is displayed. This quickly indicates that the room is available until a certain time, and by giving this information, the view facilitates more accurate planning of events at a glance.
When the view focuses in on the people calendars, this layout quickly gives an overview of:
- People that are occupied at that particular moment
- People that are available
- The name of the event the person is occupied with
- A time when the person will be available
- The following events people have
This view is helpful to display the status of a specific person, together with their approximate location.
Availability list layout

This layout is based on a similar principle as the availability tile layout. The advantage of this layout is that it can represent all events per calendar at once, giving a clear overview of the events throughout the day for that calendar. This layout can be used as a mix of people and room calendars because when the number of calendars presented exceeds the dimensions of the screen, an automatic scroll is enabled. Thus, the list of calendars can expand as needed.
In this layout, available status is visually represented with a green color sidebar to the right of the calendar, whereas the occupied status is represented by a red color sidebar.